Monthly expenses of retirees

Monthly expenses of retirees

Monthly expenses of retirees

Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey

Retirement household monthly expenses $4345 Total

80% of Retirement household expenses come from these 5 areas:

1. 6% for entertainment $241

2. 12% for food $540

3. 13% for healthcare $585

4. 14% for Transportation $592

5. 36% for Housing $1573

These expenses add up to $3531, leaving $814 for other items!

I think it is going to be rough sledding to make it on these numbers and with inflation at 7+%, it will be much more difficult. Who would have dreamed that $52,140 yearly would cut it this close? A yearly income by withdrawing 4% from savings or retirement account would require you to have $1,303,500 in your account.

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