These are major pillars during retirement and in life in general.
Without these three, as the British would say, life can be unpleasant. Let's take them one-at-a-time.
All the money in the world will not replace health. As we age into retirement it becomes even more important toward maintaining a happy, enjoyable life experience.
The key to enjoying good health is the prevention of adverse medical conditions which will limit our abilities to function normally. We all know that smoking should be avoided...the facts are in. Diet and weight control are often cited as contributors to maintaining good health. We need to follow a moderate, sensible diet. If you keep track of many of the latest findings about diet, it can be a bit confusing. There are so many diets out there, ranging from Vegan to Keto to Carnivore, that we have a bewildering number of choices. Each choice has a number of physicians, researchers and other "experts who stand behind it. In all of the research that has been done over the years regarding health and longevity there is only one finding that most will agree on...that is calorie restriction tends to be the answer to longevity. We, as Americans, have unfortunately not taken that to heart, since today about 30% of us are considered overweight and 42% ar considered obese. That means about 72% of us are either overweight or obese.
Since we are living in the "Information Age", there are plenty of places to go to find helpful hints about diet, health, longevity, etc. One of them is YouTube. There are a large number of physicians and researchers who publish videos explaining how the body works and how various diets or food items affect our health. I have included one of those in the Gallery below to give you an idea. As you will see, there is much new information relating to fasting, autophagy and other aspects of health, which may be helpful to you.
Another element of health which we need to talk about is exercise. If you don't move it you will lose it! Your body is very intelligent. If it detects that a body part is not being used, it will gradually weaken it and render it useless. Whether you are walking, running, lifting weights, stretching, etc....Keep moving! The Buck Institute, which does a lot of research into longevity emphasizes exercise as a key factor.
A part of good health is attitude! Think positively, act positively. Be an optimist. Find the joys in life! The value of family and friends cannot be overlooked. Faith is important. Keep living!!
San Mateo, California